CAVALRY > printed by the holy hands of Tarmasz, with plenty of artpals, because a lack of motivation I won't put their names, just follow this link and you'll find extra infos about the autors and the book itself :)click >CAVALRY< click(or not ? but if you like drawings yes, if you look for naked chicks you shouldn't, it's about knights and battle and flags and things like that ... anyway here's a part of my contribution to the booklet.)as always, have a nice week, month, year, life.2
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A quick preview of what's going on :)
here's the basis sketch.
And have a look over here, captain Tarmasz made a lil' booklet with some scribblers pals.
> it's called CAVALRY
I'll take some time for writing about it tomorrow ... perhaps.
Have a nice weekend surfers.
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Not finished yet, but you may enjoy nowAdding some texts for lightning your candle ... (wait a bit for the lighter)wait for the final version ... and wait for the start of da project.So wait for god sake ^^.CyaHave a nice life.Upd4te, just adding a new pic (yes I'm nice I know) into the deep caves of UprprunalegaOfni (yeah I'm sure that this name will be cropped haha)Sorry if i'm not giving you any "story info" but it is actually in "brainstorming mode" ... haha :D
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